Bonding & Beer

Our Story

Trying to find a way to spend more time together and realising they had a mutual passion for beer, father and son duo Tony & Rhys Williams, started brewing in an old mushroom shed on the back lots of Loddington Farm in Kent in 2013. What set out as an activity for the father and son to bond over soon developed in to something more. The recipes they brewed in that old mushroom shed were just too good to keep to themselves and they wanted to share their passion and the chance for other people to be able bond over their fine beers.


Meet Our Team

Not only have we built a wonderful brewery but also recruited a magnificent team who all share the same vision. We have developed 8 different award winning beers and plan to continue to grow our menu. Our focus is to bring back the traditional beer, quality brewing and a drink that can bond the nation.

Tony - Co-Founder / Director

Favourite Pint: “Oh come on, that’s like asking me which one of my children is my favourite!”

Rhys - Managing Director / Co-Founder

Favourite Pint: Flash In The Pan

Linda – Director

Favourite Pint: Shhhh don’t tell anyone it’s wine!

Louise – Armoury Manager / Accounts

Favourite Pint: Powder Burn

Dawn - Business Operations / Customer Care

Favourite Pint: Trigger

Tom – Brewery Assistant

Favourite Pint: Powder Burn

Ed – Delivery Driver / Brewery Assistant

Favourite Pint: Ball Puller